Governor ND Tiwari 'SEX Scandal' In Raj Bhavan
![]() In a stunning TV expose, Andhra Pradesh Governor, freedomfighter and Congress veteran N D Tiwari has been found in the middle of anallegeds leazy sex racket whose headquarters are the Raj Bhavan itself. The 85-year-old with a glittering political career - he has been the ChiefMinister of Uttar Pradesh thrice - has allegedly been abusing young women atthe Raj Bhavan for several months, reports Telugu TVchannel ABN in a highlyjudgemental exclusive, with what it claims is(pretty repulsive) visual proof. Andin true MMS-scandal style, Tiwariallegedly filmed it all and threatened thegirls with exposing the films. There are a lot of unfilled gaps in the entire story (e.g how can Tiwariblackmail them when he himself is in the films), which anyway goes like this. Tiwari, from the channel's story, is allegedly a sex addict who needs nubileyoung women for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A close friend of Tiwari's fromhis UP CM days, a certain Radhika, allegedly approached him when he turned APGovernor, for mining licenses at Kadapa. Tiwari allegedly assured help, but hisOSD Arvind Sharma asked for money. Radhika paid up lakhs, but the licenses still did not happen, and Sharma,refusing to refund, asked her instead for women to work at the Raj Bhavan, inreturn for the licenses. Radhika had girls transferred from the A P Bhavan in New Delhi, and upon a visit some time later,had the girls secretly visiting her inthe night and crying over her shoulderabout how they were beingsexually exploited by the Governor, his OSD, and evenseveral Congress MPs who were guests of the Governor. Radhika apparently asked the girls to get out of there with thefilmsimmediately, which they did. However, the OSD Aravind Sharmastartedhounding her for the films, threatening to kill them if he did not getthem. A terrified Radhika eventually approached the media hoping exposure would savethe lives of the girls and her. The channel was showing(until the Governor'slawyer got an injunction from the A P High Courtprohibiting the channel fromairing the visuals anymore) several nauseating stills of - allegedly - theGovernor receiving sexual favours from various girls, while maintaining that itis not airing worse stuff in its possession for fear of offendingviewers'sensibilities Rajbhavan Lo Tiwary Raasaleelalu.wmv Video's: Watch the video Download in MP4 Format Download in FLV Format Description: AP governor ND TIWARY sex visuals in NEWS Tags: governor ND TIWARY, sex, rajbhavan, teluguflavours Added: 2009-12-25 COURTESY: andhramania |
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