Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Doubtful Talk On 'Kedi'

It is known news that ‘King’ Nagarjuna is all set to arrive with his new venture ‘Kedi’ and the makers have announced that this is going to be a Sivaratri release ie 12th of this month. As usual, the inside talk has begun to emerge but then it appears that there is disappointment in store.

Inside birdies say that the film is not that impressive and ‘Kedi’ might bite the dust. However, it happened several times that the inside talk is negative and once the reverse formula works once the film hits the screen. The brand value of Nag and the sex appeal of Mamatha are two things to consider here.

On the flip side, the genre of the film is unusual, the director is a new kid on the block and Nag will face stiff competition from ‘Leader’ which is hitting just the day before. The audio is out but it has got a mixed response so all eyes are now on the film when it takes the litmus test.

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