Allu Arjun and Manchu Manoj’s latest film ‘Vedam’ is quickly wrapping up its shooting schedule. Krish is directing this film. This is his second film after ‘Gamyam’. Devineni and Sobha Yarlagadda are jointly producing the film on Arka Media banner. Anushka is playing a lead role in the film. The film is currently being shot in the streets of Vizag. This shooting had begun recently and will go on for 20 days. The schedule will end on February 4th. With this schedule, the entire shooting ofthe film will be completed. Initially, this shooting was to be held in the Old City streets in Hyderabad. However, the tense situation in Hyderabad and the continuous protests in the name of Telangana forced the team to move to Vizag.
Krish and other actors are maintaining utmost secrecy about the film. The film has five important characters and there is a lot of buzz that Krish is adopting a new screenplay technique, which has never been experimented in Telugu cinema before. Keeravani is composing the music. The film is gearing up for a summer release.
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